My name is Conrad M. Cummings "Mike!", (58 yrs of age...USA family man)...I am the only legal but unofficial US Government Royalty, being physical proof of the completion of a USA Gov. sponsored program from the early beginnings of these United States.  The program monitored under strict laws of ancient royalty...And a short time after it begin...was deemed necessary as a ploy for acceptance in trade and commerce, so we would not become a rogue nation, as major powers of the world at that time were all of royalty...However the program was amended shortly before my birth was to be a sure thing...that Amendment being: "And a King shall be born if one need be"...The US Government did however allow an official title of  "US Blackfoot Chief" to honor the birth...This was suggested by the The Monitoring Council of that program in the closing moments of the final meeting with the US Federal Government concerning the completion of that program; "The Royalty Program"...

The: "Royalty Program", monitored and recorded by a monitoring council...formally "The Council of Indians". To begin the secretly monitored physical bonding of native & visitor under strict laws of ancient royalty creating a legal royal birth establishing this nation on consecrated royal "One" for the Indigenous and the Visitor...

The indigenous to the land (The Indians) beginning with the elect family members of the first citizenship Indians: "The Blackfoot" choosing the name of: "Sparks" because their favorite thing being that of a spark in a fire...Recording the physical bonding of Native and Visitor until that bonding established a royal birth.

As it was written "Only one legal birth of royalty would be allowed in The US"...

This information has been allowed at my discretion...The true account being an old secret in the heritage of these United States...

To make a very long story short...It was made possible for me to read and discuss classified documents concerning this information...during a time in the early 1950's...


We developed as a democracy..."Proud, Free and Expedient...As for the Completed Royalty Program: "A first birth of: "USA Legal Royalty", establishing legal USA royal ground with a democratic government and established legally by The US Government and By legal laws of ancient royalty...this account is factual and so it shall remain...

The difference being...

...That for many obvious reasons it was not honored officially when the program was completed "October 6, 1942"...

Many Lifetimes to "Everyone!" CMC Jubilee 2000 USA Upward & Onward...