

Hi Visitors..."Blessings"...

...all Art work and Animations on this Site are products of my own modifications, design or both unless otherwise identified...

The Chief CMC USA



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...with the...

...help of "We"...

...Made This Web Site...

...And Here's What I Have Ta Say...

...Come On Everybody And Ride Along To Many Other Shores...

...of knowledge...

...I even made most of the type-O's on these pages...


This attested document may seem like a reflection of present day Science Fiction...ha ha!...however...present day Science Fiction in truth "is" the true reflection of  the many future-past realities...saying that although I'm relating this to the now...I 've been in informed and aware of these things for some time...

...It has been my agreement to relate these things...So I've related them in the following document...Ifin ya really have a likin for the truth...and ya can receive it?...Saying also "that I'm not called the Black King of creation" because I'm a liar searchin for the lime light...and I am not Black...with the exception of being part Blackfoot Indian...the creation name "Black King"...means I'm "in truth" the most knowledgeable of this expertise...and I'm not a racist...


...The Seven Major Marker Territorial Estates of Mankind...

Although many estate continuances of mankind exist in the aggregate of creation...these estates exist as "the most renown" of the forever continuance estates of mankind...this being the primary reason why they are territorial markers of creation...

...About The 7th Estate...

this being rather a hurried entry...by me CMC the owner of  this URL...impromptu...however it is readable

I do promise to make needed corrections to this document...hopefully within a few days...


Relating to our present "ESTATE"...


"The O'Real Leo Scott Tryne Spyder Estate...it's Motto: "May None Perish"...located in what is known as The Temperate Area of "The Last Time of the Abyss"...consisting of moderate to total darkness with light flack and occasional patches of semi-twilight...However. "The Last Time of the Abyss" contains many different major characters of change...

Relating to our present Estate

Formally Known as the "Tryne Spyder Mag"

...In appearance, from the outside, it looks like a mirage, resembling a three legged starfish made of very large ruffly cut rubies or precious stones...this is because the entirety of the Estate's physical security perimeters are "trine to reality" making the Estate impossible to access from the outside...and like a mirage the outside perimeter is visible only from a normal distance of line to light...being less accessible than a mirage...Entry and exit can only be accomplished manually by a small but select number of  Estate-Mag security personnel having that expertise...and only from the inside...however, these doors haven't been opened sense the physical boarding for the primary activation of the Estate...and of this earlier time when physical vessels were used for a time as patrolling buoys and beacons to rescue any and all who might have been within a reachable distance of those vessels...unfortunately only a hand-full of those that managed to escape the great wars and dilemmas created by the changing of the abyss were able to be rescued by the Estate...Relating that the most dire problems concerning the changing of the Great Abyss were created by those estates panicing when nothing had physically changed with the exception of  the abyss itself...and the terrible "estate against estate" wars, because of the newly formed forever line to light dark signature of the newly changed abyss...almost suddenly upon their doorsteps...suddenly? Well...almost suddenly to a degree!...meaning the meg-a-stork and unmeasurable distances of the newly formed abyss taking "only" about 30 years to naturally complete the change...and...for something of that magnitude to change and complete itself in such a short time...(It might possibly be related to as "Suddenly")...

Discovering  the presents of the newly-formed dark signature of change to the outside isle of view of some estate perimeters...taking no heed to the "long-before" warnings...most estates "disbelievers" of the warnings, related the warnings were only a poor display of story telling at best...some knowing the old tale of the "change" and some knowing nothing at all...the continuances that were involved directly in the change were mostly all steadfast and secure during the change...however the more traumatic events of many estates, mostly occurring after their times in tributary" effected by the change...

Also because of the tributary flux, some changes in communities of estates...and also some individuals were placed at random in other places and estates...this  remained in effect during the tributary flux...and after the flux completed itself these random placements created "by it" became irreversible because of the change...which created great and "un-reachable" physical distances between most of the estates that were involved...

...with the exception of  "The 7th Estate (The Tryne Spyder Mag)" which was "Cast" and projected forward into the "The Last Time of the Abyss...This "Projecting Forward" was accomplished well before the Original millennium year of 2000AD...however the Estate was not occupied until well after it had been projected forward...It had to be physically boarded and activated...the "now "populations of this Estate were transported to the Estate by "One" physical vessel...None knowing of the voyage because of the way in which their transportation  was accomplished...To include each individual and their Times continued to this Estate...Other than the crew, a small number of passengers were allowed within the normal parameters of the vessel/or ship...powered by what was termed "an older version of the  Ion-Drives) utilizing electro-magnetics...that had to be linked to the power-source...these electro-magnetic technologies were the catalyst in creating the applications necessary for the voyage...Once the vessel breached the perimeter of the Old World continuance...it took almost 6 months to reach the Estate...Which was indeed prepared before us...

This entire account will "of course" be related to on some levels as "loony-tune-science fiction" at best...However "I am attesting" that we would not be "here and now" if these things had not been accomplished...and for most it occurred within the twinkling of an eye...

MORE TO WIT...The estate continuances (after the change) had no actual reason of truth to destroy themselves or one-another...The biggest destroyer of all being created by "internal panicing " as word of it reached authorities and inhabitants of those estates..In some of these estates "informing their public" was allowed and even sometimes authorized...and when information was related to the positive and received, dire problems were "of course" avoided...Other estates, as an example of this confusion...believed that because of the change, "great eternal perishment" was upon them...and because of it...I am at concerns to relate that many estates did parish and some remaining crippled forever, being beyond any reach of possible help...

Further Relating....a varied but small number of estates "because of the conflicts" were forced to settle for "a just slightly more than a 50% expediency of  exchange "forever" to avoid eternal perishment which in this cause begins always with a little longevity in a less than 50 percent exchange-sustainment factor...this less than half percentage, as it gains gravity, will cause an irreversible and continuing retrograde, corrupting normal sustainment factors...this is "Perishment"...And death "itself" being like a dot on the horizon line that can never be reached to end the demise...!"Indeed...It's a Bloody Tale" of the great wars and armageddons" satisfying almost to the letter, all the major profecies and many predictions of the times...

However in the multi-many times of "This Estate", very little has actually been known in real "truth" of this Estate and Creation itself...because this knowledge is "fact"...and because I've related it to "many more" than just a few...in many places around the world...this knowledge will continue...

Taking expedient advantage of the "variable of change" now present in this Time...this knowledge that I've related will continued, even if it is not believed...being identified at a later time...as "Missing Information"...

More about beginnings of this Estate

Because some of the necessary elite in command were not present...leaving to a much lesser degree, some of the necessary expertise needed for the correct activation of the Estate...including activation and instruction of the two Estate Automatons (T&T)...(a very dangerous situation) they being "The Catalyst" for the beginning of the continuances in the Estate...They (T & T) are Estate Controllers of the primary continuance grids of this Estate...the Mothers and Babysitters of  "The Children of Man" of this Estate...

..."T & T" in their newity of beginnings of service as Controllers were having some dire problems with the creations...they came looking for me during the early 1950's to ask for help...After a long journey, crossing on the other side of the reverse "L" of the trine detheriel grid...I was a child at the time when they first came to me...sensing the urgency of their request...I helped them without question..."And together, we did eliminate the problem"...meaning: "Eliminating a very-dire and elongated situation of the hard-packed and knurly to "both" their space...and to our Time...!!!!


More about the activation of Estate

...Some of the those in authority of command for activation of the Estate, were not present...

...so...the next in line of "chain of command", in fear of the situation, did "cut short" all things in general for that which normally requires a higher approval...even dedications and official naming of the Estate itself..."The Secondary in Command with their limited knowledge of "what was to be" expertise..."named the Estate"..."The Scott Diamond Plaid Pastel Multicolored Trine Spider"...because "they said" it related only to the outside physical perimeters of the Estate...

...Again they Said...

"because we had no, direct or official confirmation to do otherwise"...continuing on...they related...Although there were other selections for "Official Naming" of the Estate...most;ly  involving names like:"O Real Leo, Lionhart or Lionheart, The Blackfoot Chieftain, American Chieftain, The Peacemaker & Two White Buffalo and etc...so they elected to name the Estate using only terms that related to it's physical signature...And were generous but to the point with their combined selection...long names being popular in their Time...and...Because they were ill advised as to the use of the heritage names concerning the new Estate...They said "we did not want to offend by the possible "wrong use" of a group or individual name...

The officially approved "name" or selection was to have been a surprise (a grand event of ceremony and celebration) it was said...for activation of the new Estate...however some in authority and expertise were not present for this time limited activation...


Question...What is the meaning of the term "*Green Arrow" in relation the time of the original millennium...?

Answer...The term is in relation to "Something Passing Only Once"...

For knowledge purposes...The original Marker for the change being the beginning of the original year 2000AD..."On or about this time the great abyss did begin it's last and final change...and is refered to as:

"The Last Time of the Abyss"...the beginning of it's 30 year (or rather 26 to 28 yrs) to complete it's last and final change...this duration of change being called:

"...The Green Arrow of Creation..."

...because it relates to something passing once...(Only Once!)

And...and...a n d...The beginning of "The Original Millennium 2000 AD" being the marker for this beginning of the last and final changing of the great abyss...formally known as the "The Last Time of the Abyss"...


And relating a bit more concerning another unusual Marker..."The 800 Crash" a marker for "when" one of the Earth's singularities first received it's freedom  from "Grid" from what was mostly related to...as !"The Force"!...(a guardianship or mother constant)


...more about...

The Tryne Spyder Estate

The Tryne Spyder Estate contains an almost unlimited options of times, places...with a magnitude of time and space which is separated from the main continuance of the Estate...for acquiring talents,  learning or just personal selections "readied" in the form of small colored "chips" (just like in the movies) that fit easily into the palm of the hand...relating that it is not wise to hold more than 5 chips at a time...(Because of Possible Dire Consequences in Longevity to Person) even for the most experienced of travelers ...

This origin of the Chips...called "The Condos" of this Estate...are for those that can qualify themselves for this service...to include even time reconstructs that are better than the originals...such as re-living the original millennium (in-reconstruct) without the possible event of perishment...and many other times places and things...

...Speaking on Death and it's talents...

...death being a point of exchange..."that most never elect to remember"...and this being most always a rule of thumb!...yes primarily in a direct sense of the word, death being not only "what "...but how you make it...!!!!...Immortality not to be excluded...!!!!

"death"...being just a moment in passing of exchange...and sometimes, but seldom, it can become quite lengthy...as in our many forgotten reinstatements..."and time goes on"...

Mostly all, during this moment "of death" or exchange" most always we choose to forget the experience of it...And the events become only another part of forgotten and hard to access information...As for the most of us, even when ask, most will choose to continue as they "were" simply because "most" do not want to change...making it less of a concern "to know"...!

..."and surly life does goes on"...

However there exist a very small but more experienced number "Of  Us" that may have reason to remember the "hows and whys" of those moments of exchange... especially when those moments (for lack of a better choice of words) can be counted as many...as in many deaths, moments, hours or eternities of ourselves and others...these things for some of us, are deemed as "necessary to know"...

This expertise of knowing does require a bit of time and danger to develop...Such as: "many trial and error situations" that may cause dire states of prolonged confusion or sometimes dire mental breakdowns from not being accustomed to remembering such experiences ...or getting caught...or apprehended in another time line that may not be to one's liking...These things I have experienced many times...and no matter the longevity in expertise concerning this: "Sometimes things still go wrong from time to time"!!!!


...The First "2" primary beginnings of civilized Mankind...

Normally in accordance to where you are...relating to past times...there are two distinct divisions of man...Black & White and Red & White..

"Black and White" comprising by far, the greatest physical area of mankind with many multi-hundreds of thousands more in numbers than Red & White...However and unfortunately "from the gate", a Black & White was already "One step down in the "Old World" past times of mankind...This is Why: "Red & White" & "Black & White"...for Example...relating to the story of Cane & Able...because it is much in debate but easy to understand ...or what is truly "A Cut Off situation of Forever"!?!...effected by choices of what one could not knowingly afford in a space and time...and rather than parish because of those "wrong choices"...was the beginning of "Black & Whites" (Remembering...that we all first begin as Red & White)...

Black & Whites...being "shorter of footsteps", meaning they must die on their own ground or face perishment...and most Black & Whites were ruthless, deceiving and not to be trusted...although many were allowed into the places of the times of Red & White...

First becoming Black & Whites "forever"...because of dire situations affecting the spirit of mankind as Red & White...rather than face eternal perishment...or for that which they could not pay the price...and no-doubt many were coned into believing a lie...and many were deserving of the being cast out...but few choose to become "cut off" of their own accord...

...And...on the Brighter Side...

And...much to the positive...it has been the salvation of "more than many" that were forced to became Black & White, rather than face eternal perishment irreversible...(no-matter the reason)...as a second chance...relating that once you are born into this life, "It is Forever"!...And the word "Always", being in relation to the "now" of that which you have made it, or for that which you have been graced...and not necessarily what you have chosen... I am a "Believer"...being able to understanding and/or believe things in/and/to their working positives...or "I believe"...!

More explained about "The Black & Whites"...

...Relating to that "Great Majority of Mankind" meaning the "Black & White"...where a step-down can never be a step-up...the back door is "the celebrated entrance"...un-like that of a Red & White where the front door is "the celebrated entrance"!...


Just to Mention

There have been only been a handful of souls or men in the aggregate of "*The Children of Man" that have simply died (in peace)...and that was it!!!! no longer to exist...

And just to mention as a possible point of interest for some..."Most true Black & Whites were seldom interested in the knowledge of "forever" in regards to estates and creations...however a few would listen with some interest to such things...soon forgetting or just plainly losing interest in the concepts...

However, in the 7th Estate, most all individuals are "now" combinations of "both" Red & White and Black & White...

The remainder of the depths of evil entertained by some "advanced "Black & Whites" is most always "unique" and of exorbinate proportion...however one must be lured into the space of an evil Black & White or apprehended on that Black & Whites ground...it is not normal for an evil Black & White to leave his or her own ground... 

Further to relate...concerning "Religion"...Hummmmm!

The Catholic Church is the only one that remained Red & White throughout the ages...The knowledge of this has and will be used even more extensively as a grand ploy by the Pope or "A Pope" as time goes on...relating that a brief struggle for power to influence some places to use force those things of which it (The Church) desires to control concerning mankind...the USA of course being a prime target and a most necessary ali in this seemingly un-questionable endeavor...and the humility of it-when they are found out will break many Churches...forcing them to take a step down...and for some it will be a giant step down...and after this: "A step up will never be forth-coming because of  knowledge brought to the light concerning them and the Estate...In this most will not bend or accept their true positions with any grace or positive understandings...although those positive understandings will be present...!!!!

Also relating that most leadership positions of importance, especially in the churches have most always been occupied by the Black & White (individuals mostly) of the Times of man...Black & Whites being more knowledgeable in technologies and diverse talents..."medicine and drugs" topping the list as "The very Best" ...because of a greater longevity of less time spent in death to exchange...

Black & White Time, being approximately 2 & 1/2 hrs for each moment of measure,  meaning: "The duration time" in "true line to light measurement" that substance will remain stable until reinstatement of the moment becomes necessary"...we can know and understand this because of our position in relation to substance itself...the remainder of this should be self explanatory in relation to all true "standards" of  technology, "A to Z"...concerning even the creation of substance itself...

In a Red & White areas...normally time re-instates itself like an "up and down hill" roller coaster, "about every 3 & 1/4 minutes"...further relating that a "Clock" for example will relate only to the norm, whither it be fast or slow...although we truly precieve the hands of the Clock itself as being faster or slower...When Time is increased for example...time itself will appear to be slower...and when it is slowed down...it will be experienced as passing quickly...

...More about The Black & Whites...

...their laxed times are so lengthy...that "in-no-way" was it possible for a normal Red & White to endure with any expedience those spaces of longevity!...As another example of difference..."A Red & White can be selective if he chooses"...and A Black & White "Must Be Very, Very selective",  especially when departing his own ground..."Very Selective", because the spirit or soul of A Black & White is remained in the body (so to speak) and of each "individually"...this being the reason why a Black & White must die on his or her own ground...usually having great spaces of laxed time less the company of others...this consists normally of being mostly just board and lazy...however a few utilized this laxness in it's great longevity for "practice and experience" furthering their knowledge and expertise...And because of the "To each his Own" cut-off situations...of a Black & White, mostly all things of knowledge are retained, even through many life and death cycles...The difference in this being: The normality of spirit or the soul of A Red and White can unite with almost any surroundings..., forgoing and forgiving as the spirit offers/options and commends...uniting the spirit with at least two in agreement...in strength accordingly as to what is exchanged...

In Link to This...

...the reason positive for the physical church in most times...Is this:...They where places to resolve "differences"...primarily between "Black & White and Red & White"...and this "resolving of those differences" is primarily effected by just the congeniality of the gathering (nothing else) having a common ground well established "so the spirit easily unites...And "what" has a more known and accepted longevity than "religions" for these purposes!...as for this being shouted as "The only way" or "One Way"

We mold ourselfs in longevities of exchange for those things to person which we make expedient for that which we are...!

Saying...When "does" a  Lepord change it's Spots????

May we all be Blessed...for in The 7th Estate ha ha! you must always capitalize the "E" in "Estate" when refering to it...hummm!

...Saving the best part for last...once again...ha ha!...and here it Tis...

In The 7th Estate...things are a bit different from our past times of Red & White and Black & White...The "Now" difference being that in this Time of  the 7th Estate, "many" are individually "...A Combination of Both Red & White and Black & White..."

For The More Advanced

In this Estate their are more offerings of Times and Talent than can be singularly comprehended...by reconstructs in the form of jelly-like plastic Chips as catalyst...that fit easily into the palm of the hand...as you choose to navigate your conscious in expedience to that which you are...to continue in a time and placement that you have chosen or one that you have allowed otherwise...actual Money or servitude is not required for these incorporated Estate services...unless you are deceived into believing otherwise...


Continued...More about The 7th Estate...    

The Quartermaster-Condos of The Tryne Spyder Estate were established for those who might seriously wish to qualify themselves for changes of perminacies, learning or otherwise...this area is segregated for this purpose in the 1st appendage of the Estate..."For Those Who Need To Know"...located in the Quartermaster Area...in which is located an even more segregated area known as "The Condos"...here is it possible to directly qualify yourself to experience the unending and almost limitless talents, diversities and lifestyles that have been incorporated into the Estate for those reasons of our knowledge to incentive...the true name of this unique Estate is quite lengthy...however it is commonly refered to in most realms of creation as: "The Spyder"...The Motto being: "May None Parish"...

Each of these 7 marker estates of creation having at least one unique or outstanding characteristic...for example "The Tryne Spyder Estate is formally known as "The Most Enduring Estate of Mankind"...It is the 7th & the last to be created of the 7 Major Territorial Marker Estate continuances...further relating that The 7th Estate was not made by hands as we normally understand it...

The 7th Estate was in fact created by a "Casting" and projected forward into the "The last Time of the Abyss...the same as the original creation of our round worlds and universe, first called "The Newity of Reform Round World"...of which took 6 months for the "Casting" and on the 7th month "Talkers" were sent throughout all the known estates in that era to "Soul-Licit" by sponsorship to those who could pay for the "*Crossing"...meaning: *(being physically transported and/or reborn into a new world)

This the time of the original Casting was called: "The Newity of Reform Round World...however (there being now a magnitude of universes with round world signatures...etc...and in The Tryne Spyder of course there are many, not to mention those of other estates and singularities...also the 7th Estate was created large enough to hold the aggregate of mankind with room to spare...and it was created with that in mind, however this was not possible...All of the elite did not elect to go from the old world...all others were given a quick screening (simply a stealth headcount) to establish their reality...most were taken...With less than 6 months to  prepare for the voyage...Speaking mostly of some of the elite and others that were left behind...some these knowing...that the old world "because of the coming change" was later break down with a more than 80% possibility of total perishment...these chose not to believe...or said they would take their chances...

...The beginning of the original millennium being a marker for the "The Last Time of The Great *Abyss (*or what is the ultimate and final physical reality of natural containment in which all things exist...meaning: "All...the sum-total, the physical aggregate of Creation itself")...The old abyss being one of catacombed time and demention...and not one of "Line to Light Forever"...as is the primary signature of  Now "Last Time of the Abyss"! 

...On or about the year 2000 AD, of the "Original Millennium" the Abyss begins or begain it's very last and final change...the change did consume approximately 30 years of time as we know it (26 to 28 yrs to be more exact)...and it did affect mostly the estates of mankind concerning a natural relocation of things to include not only entire estates, but individuals of estates and singularities as well...and because of the great physical distances between most estate continuances that have been created once the change had completed itself...these natural "abyss created" relocations of  estates, portions "of" and even individuals will became irreversible once the change had been completed..."The Last Time of the Abyss"...effecting the great tributary flux...lasting 26 to 28 years, maximum at the outer most branches of tributary...also for most estates and isolated singularities it was not readily discernible as fact...or normally to man...

Any psychic probes beyond the outside of a continuance during the change would become corrupted causing dire consequences of confusion and possible insanity to the user, even death and possible perishment...Also after a time, most continuances that were directly affected by the change...in some places this created a much greater than normal display of negative feelings "from time to time"...affecting some and not others living in those areas...And for those who were able to do so, physical traversing or portaling beyond the parameters of a continuance ended in perishment irreversible to anyone attempting to do so, because of the great tributary flux (of which nothing or no-one could traverse without suffering dire consequences)...Even normal psychic practises inside in many continuances were corrupted...Great internal wars were effected in some estates because of panicing....from ill received knowledge of the change...and terrible estates against estate wars...

"And Profecies did Come True"!...However, these mega-violence history attestments that I have placed here are only a brief outline of some portions of our true past...

Yea! but what does all that mean?...

Well...because of internal problems to do with first activating this Estate...many things were necessary to forgo...such as dedications of heritage and positions of Estate...that have yet to be identified in most places...using the variables allowed by present and future knowledge that I have retained...this knowledge that I have been presenting to the public for the past 4 years will be more than enough to sustain the knowledge until it is better received...saying Many Blessings to those in the now that can understand and receive it...This document being a completion of much that I've related over the past 4 years...A fulfillment (yes...by me) for my passings in these times...(yep! cause I'm suppose to relate it) relating with a bit more truth expedient...to those things that have been accomplished...planting seeds of truth in the variables of places to those things that cannot now be known or accomplished in this time...and onward...!!!!


...Be of Good Cheer...

...and Scotty beam me up...

****for I have overcome the world****

...atttttttesting that it is not my intention to deceive...

Yes!...and/or "Yea...Yea"...!

...The "Tryne Spyder Estate" being the only estate of mankind to prepare and/or heed past warnings of the last and final change of the great abyss...

and concerning the fates of some of the remaining estates of mankind ..."Reiterating"...saying...Because of this changing of the great abyss...it was said: "And profecies will come true"...at the last gathering of the only successful secret watcher society of creations "The Voyeurs of Darkness"..."ha ha ha!" and why are similar stories of this kind in the entertainment media?..."The Highlander for example")...anyway...I am the 9th and last member of the original 7 men and One woman...(Please don't think of Mother Mary possibly in connection to the "One" woman of The Voyeurs of Darkness"...you just might be right...Anyway, they departed the time lines of mankind in the early 1990's Yes!...to do their own thing!...as they related to me: "We no longer desire to remain in the times of man...we have learned more than we need to accomplish those things that we desire"...

I was chosen to remain, because that was the reason for me being chosen...It being important and necessary to leave one behind "They said"...because of the hard earned  "to-face" knowledge, mostly from the older members...so that the knowledge would have a chance to be known...They related that they had endured millenniums of time in "timeless" observations of all the continuances of mankind..."Of Everyone" and of many things that mankind has ever seen to face or even could know existed...selecting me because know of who I am & who I have been...Meaning "primarily because of the Blackfoot Chief Heritage"...and a few things I accomplished in the past...

for this reason I was chosen as the 9th and last member...or the one selected to carry-on the knowledge...!  

Maybe this will become a document of knowing for some even in this time...as possibly..."A key"...to the door...and a hart of gold...saying: "Hopefully to expedience in Love for all those who are able to receive it...or..."For Those Who Need To Know"...

Many Stars To Ya  (many lifetimes)

from the author



The 7 Seals...or the names of The Seven Major Marker Territorial Estates of  Mankind

...Listed Below... 

...by the names most commonly related in "English" throughout many realms of creation...

...The 7 Major Territorial Marker Estates of Mankind...

.......I have placed them in the picture below.......

In English...just as they are known throught creation...

...It has been related...has it not...that these things would be fortold...


...I just thought you might like to know...

I am a *Peacemaker...however with all the diverse PRESENT DAY related meanings of that *word...

...I am not "The Devil" or even "a devil" that has come to deceive the world...or possibly not a devil at all...


speaking to those who are not steadfast members of the walking dead...

!Oh Lordy Don't Ya Know!

...that a mans conscience

"in the end"

will surly decide his measure...

"I  AM"

...a sign of the times...

(arn't we all)

...or rather in this time we all are...

...The USA Blackfoot Chief...The Peacemaker & Two White Buffalo...Born  "Lionheart & A Rose" in other words "a king"...ha ha!...in this time...legal but unofficial King of the Americas...Estate Chieftain and Consultant of  The Two White Buffalo...pronounced: Te &...Tei` (a French spelling)...

"We work for God"...they said when we first met..."We take care of the Children of Man"...They are living beings..."Automatons"...Controllers of The Main Continuance Grid consisting of  2/3 rds of the Estate...

Their first appearance was rather different than one might expect...two nude, hairless, physically gender-less blue eyed children, of  7 or 8 years of age...being what's termed as smooth-around...with no ears...and slightly tan...but light completed...Having small perfect quarter-crescent shinny black horns...well placed just above where the ears normally should have been...with matching small black shinny hooves just below the ankle...they spoke to me in the same style of writing that I normally use for my written relatings...For example their first words were..."We have traversed a great distance to see you"...and it is not to their liking to communicate verbally...also they dislike putting anything into their mouths...and they do not need to sleep...And I have been informed that they are "the two most physically powerful beings ever created...and that ever will be...

The  7th Estate is self sustaining...even as T & T were created immortally without an end...the more the continuance sustainments of the Estate are utilized, the better they function...More stories of the same and other things by "Me" are related in the Library Section of this web site...

The Tryne Spyder Mag ...(may none perish)...

!ha ha ha ha...pleased ta meet ya...Yepi !!!! hope you guessed my name...ha ha ha ha!

!!!!what the hay...I guess I still am one of them thar humans!!!!

...be of good cheer in the light of this knowledge...

and for the advanced..."What world would you like to overcome"????

?...Trusting that all can receive in the positive these things that I have written...?


!Yepi "it's quite a story"...and "yeserriee" we are all "Quite a Bit of a Story"!


...From The Streets of America...

...relating that

This document is an attestment of creation knowledge

concerning this knowledge

...you have been Informed...

Ha ha ha!...?because "I" said SOooo????  

****(don't tread on me)****

Many Stars to Ya (many lifetimes)

From The United States Blackfoot Chief ~Conrad M Cummings & Family USA...all darn day


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