...Many Greetings of Fair-Weather in Peace and Love Always...

...You might enjoy reading my latest attestment of Mankind...


"The Seven Seals"

...located in the Picture Gallery...just below the Picture Gallery links...

This web-site is an attestment of facts not normally related present day...however I have taken the time to do so...In event if there be some doubt to my reality and who I am?...you are welcome to pursue the varifications of my present existance in this time...as: "The American Chieftain", "The Blackfoot Chief of Creation", "The USA Blackfoot Chief", "The Real Leo" , "The Black King " (meaning the most knowledgeable of the 7 major  marker territorial estates of  The Aggregate of Creation..."A-Z" or what does exist other than this time and place in creation)...and legal but unofficial Government Sponsored King of these United States...this portion can be confirmed by a signiture of the President of the USA...I am sorry but there is no other official "Real World"  confirmation that I can offer at this time...other than profecies that relate to my physical existance present day...

"I am not a myth or a mystery...however that has been my station of necessity for a very long time"

.......Please Enjoy.......

"American Royalty"

"The Royalty Program" was suggested and secretly sponsored by the US Government in the early beginnings of our nation to consecrate America as "one" for both..."The Indigenous" and "The Visitor"...this being legally accomplished under strict laws of ancient royalty with a monitoring council... This first and last legal US royal birth (my birth...October 6,1942 Indianapolis, Indiana)...being legal but unofficial because we developed expediently as a democracy...

I am physical proof of the completion that program......even after *recounts (*making sure of the correct birth) by "The Monitoring Council" of that program until many years after my birth...

Of Course the original agreement was breached officially by the government...promising a new nation with a legal royal king to represent the Indian and the white man...however fellow Americans "be in concern of a little common sense" concerning this ...meaning..."I am not without the understanding of disrespect felt by the Indigenous because of this and many other things"...

...And because my beginnings are that of the first citizenship Indians, formally "The Indigenous American Blackfoot Indians"...to wit The "Sparks"...

!?!...and Now should the Sparks fly up or down...!?!

...Although I can well imagine what would have taken place in a highly prejudice America should this have been officially honored in 1942...

Saying that things are as they should be...because of this time and the future of things to come...

I am a sign of the times for those that are awake...and in this I am not offended...

   ...A long keep secret of these United States...


"For Those Who Need To Know"

....Thank-You and Enjoy From "The USA Blackfoot Chieftain ~Conrad Michael Cummings and Family"....





Established: 1/13/2001

by The USA Blackfoot Chief~Conrad M. Cummings (O Real Leo@aol.com) & Dwight A. Prow (Jinxprow@techie.com)

Web Site Information Reference

"The Millennium Documentary"   by Conrad M. Cummings ~ Blackfoot Chief

All Rights Reserved 12 April 1999 ©


All Rights Reserved © 2001 .... Web Page Created by Dwight A Prow. Jinxprow@techie.com